Pathfinder Ryder can also shoot blindly from cover using (LMB - PC / R2 - PS4 / RT - XB1).Doing so will give a temporary accuracy bonus. Use the appropriate control (RMB - PC / L2 - PS4 / LT - XB1) to pop out of cover and aim at the enemy. While in cover, shields will regenerate much faster and the majority of attacks from the enemies will miss. Pathfinder Ryder will automatically take cover against large, solid objects if a weapon is drawn and is close enough to the cover. Evade: MMB (PC) / Circle (PS4) / B (XB1) while moving in a direction to perform an evade/dodge.Melee Attack: 'F' (PC) / Triangle (PS4) / Y (XB1).Reloading: 'R' (PC) / Square (PS4) / X (XB1).Holstering a weapon: 'V' (PC) / Touchpad (PS4) / Back (XB1).Drawing a weapon: LMB (PC) / R2 (PS4) / RT (XB1).A blue shield icon will appear at the bottom of the HUD when Pathfinder Ryder is in cover.The higher the hazard level shown, the faster that Life Support will be depleted.A small segmented arc displays the amount of Life Support remaining before damage will occur.In the lower left of the screen, any hazard conditions and hazard level are displayed.Changes depending upon being stationary or moving.During reloading, a small red circle of arrows displays in the center of the screen until reloading is complete.When the current thermal clip is low on ammunition, a flashing red display in the middle of the screen will alert to "Reload".The remaining total reserve of ammunition.Remaining ammunition in the current thermal clip.When the segment is clear again, the Skill has cooled down and can be used again. Each third of the circle turns into a light blue segment while the power is cooling down and begins to turn back to clear. Each of the three currently equipped skills are represented by one third of a circle in the center of the screen. At the center of the screen, a secondary cooldown display is shown.When the Skill icon is clear again, the skill has cooled down and can be used again.

When a cooldown takes place, the Skill icon is filled with a light blue color and begins to change back to clear (starting at the top of the icon travelling downwards).Each skill is clear until used and a cooldown takes place.Remaining power cell charges for the skill (if the skill uses power cells).Small white icons on each Skill icon display primer and/or detonator status for Combos.The current three skills in a Favorite Loadout are displayed and buttons assigned to use each skill.Each squadmate has a small vertical grey bar depicting the amount of remaining shields.The follow Profiles increase health and/or shields:.Survivalist (skill) - Pelessaria B'Sayle - Ranks 1, 2, 4, & 6.Resilience (skill) - Jaal Ama Darav - Ranks 1 & 4.Grizzled Veteran (skill) - Nakmor Drack - Ranks 1, 3, 4, & 6.Defensive Training (skill) - Cora Harper - Ranks 1-4 & 6.Defensive Expert (skill) - Vetra Nyx - Ranks 1, 2, 4, & 6.Defense (skill) - Liam Kosta - Ranks 1-4 & 6.The following Skills increase health and/or shields:.Health, represented by the red bar, will take damage once shields are depleted.Shields will automatically regenerate once in cover.Shields are represented by the blue bar at the bottom of the Heads Up Display (HUD).The Heads Up Display (HUD) gives combat data at a quick glance.